Saturday, May 3, 2008

Vintage Peebles Prints

Wanna try it out? Well, skip on down to the link, but don't freak out if you can't read it! Just upload your photo, click the blue button below the dialog box and wait. Once it's processed, you can copy and paste to your computer. No charge! FREE! WHOO-HOO!

photography time wasters (as found on "how about orange...")

Photo "shiz" at Photojojo. For DIY projects and more.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


i'm the lame gal sending/forwarding links like a nutty...or a shut-in. completely filling up email boxes with things that make me say, "OOOH! I bet so-and-so would DIG this!" and i can't do it any more...i think they've gotten used to deleting what i send. ;) so...i thought i'd just put a few things case anyone still visits HERE! it's been a while.

okay, okay...ready? here's what i got:

natural hair care + make-up
Baking soda no-poo recipe/directions

Organic make-up w/super cheap sample prices!
homemade microwave popcorn

art + craft
Turn your kiddos' art into a poster (might be an easier/less expensive way to do it. a great idea for holiday gifts to grandparents - select a piece from each grandkid.)

Make mermaid tales for your little girl's dolls. This is comes from the blog of Amy Karol, the author of this book. I've been to a LOT lately...and most of these links were mentioned in posts I've found there.

i'm sure i'll find more...but this is all i've got time to post today. for those of you who's email i've jammed up with "oh, lookie what i found" messages, my apologies for the pesting. future passive aggressive sharing will appear here. :)

happy thursday!